You are: Round: {{players.fight.round + 1}}

Choose ranking: (drag and drop)



PlayerRank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4Rank 5Rank 6Rank 7
Player Win, Loss, Tie Change Score
{{value.record[0]}}, {{value.record[1]}}, {{value.record[2]}} {{(value.record[3] > 0) ? "+":""}}{{value.record[3]}} {{value.record[4]}}


This is a decision-making study. Please do not talk or communicate with any other participants during the study. If you have any questions, please raise your hand and a monitor will come to answer your questions privately.

In this study, you will participate in an interaction with seven other participants. Each participant begins with 500 points and their points can increase or decrease depending on decisions made in the interaction. At the end of the study, you will be paid based on your final score 1 cent for each point.

The decisions that you make are anonymous and the other participants will not know who made which decisions. Your decisions will affect your own payment and other people’s payments, so please carefully read these instructions.

In this interaction, you will fight over resources and choose sides in other people’s fights.

Choose sides by ranking the other players in the Choose Ranking box. To change your rankings, drag and drop the icons to order them horizontally from first (far left) to last (far right). Try changing your ranking now.

The other seven players also rank everyone. The rankings table (bottom left) shows everyone's current ranking including yours.

Periodically, two players will fight over a resource worth 150 points. Opponents are selected randomly. Fights will be announced and the results will be shown in the top right box.

When a fight occurs, all players automatically choose sides based on their current rankings. For example, when Red fights Yellow, Green supports whichever fighter Green ranks better. The fighter who has more supporters wins. The winner receives the resource worth 150 points, the loser receives 0 points.

If a tie occurs, then the winner is decided randomly, and all players pay a Fighting Cost of -10 points. Ties are costly to everyone because no one backs down and both sides fight intensely to try to win.

See an example of a fight now, click here.

In the example, Red fights against Yellow. Then the other six players choose sides.

Pretend that Green currently ranks the other players like this:

PlayerRank 1Rank 2Rank 3Rank 4Rank 5Rank 6Rank 7

Green ranks Red as 1 and Yellow as 3 so Green supports Red against Yellow. That's why Green appears on Red's side. (To see same fight again, click here.)

The other players automatically choose sides the same way based on their rankings. Red wins the fight because Red has the most supporters.

The score box (bottom right) shows each player’s wins, losses, and ties. It also shows the most recent change in score and total score.

At the end of the interaction, each person’s earnings are determined by their score, which reflects the resources they won minus their fighting costs.


Comprehension check

1. If a fight ends in a tie, who pays the fighting cost?
The two fighters.
All 8 players.

2. How does a player choose sides for a fight?
They select who to support when a fight occurs.
They choose sides automatically based on their rankings when a fight occurs.

Oops, you made a mistake! Please review the instructions and try again.

If you understand these instructions, click "ready" below. Click "back" if you want to review the instructions again. Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Lobby number:

Player number:


What is your sex?

What is your age?

What is your ethnicity?

How did you make your decisions in this study?

Please write any other comments about the study below.

This is your participant code: {{players[playerID].name}}
You will use this code to receive your payment, please write it down before submitting the survey.

{{value.ready}}{{}} {{value.record[4]}}